Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Richard Land shoots himself in foot

Came across a post today on Bruce Prescott's blog about Southern Baptist Convention PAC head Richard Land. This statement struck me as a doozy:

'I've got more in common with Pope John Paul II than I do with Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton.' . . . 'We both say all human life is sacred, that marriage is between a man and a woman, that homosexual behavior is contrary to God's will.' All this is just 'more relevant' he says, 'than whether I'm Catholic or Protestant.'

So, of course, I just had to comment on it. Here and here. (So it took me 2 entries to say what I wanted to say - hey, I'm new at this comments thing!)

Seriously, it really does look to me like he's saying that his beliefs - that "all human life is sacred, that marriage is between a man and a woman, that homosexual behavior is contrary to God's will", whatever - are ultimately more important than which version of the Bible he believes in. To me, this sounds awfully close to saying that his beliefs are more important than the Bible. If that's not what he is actually saying, outright.

So much for Biblical "inerrancy" and "infallibility"!

Really, now, just how strong can the Religious Right possibly be when its leaders indulge in bone-headedness like this? Now, of course, such a sentiment is to be expected from someone as obviously dictatorial as Land, but sometimes such people have the sense not to give themselves away like that in public. Unless, of course, they are so far gone that they think the public will follow whatever marching orders they care to dish out, regardless.

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