Tuesday, June 07, 2011

LET'S KILL . . . who?

Okay, I don't normally find these Hitler YouTube mashups amusing at all. In fact, I think all too many of them are just plain stupid.

BUT: as a Doctor Who fan (YAY MATT SMITH!!!!), I found myself literally ROFLMAO after seeing these new videos:
DAMN YOU STEVEN MOFFAT! (Just kidding, Mr. Moffat! You're brilliant & I CAN'T WAIT for the second half of the season!

It starts when? September? AAAAAAAAAAGH!)

CAVEAT: If you're not that familiar with the show, I'm sure your response will more likely be WTF?

FOLLOW-UP @3:22PM: It's been confirmed that Matt Smith is returning for at least one more season as The Doctor!

As has Steven Moffat!

AND I would also like to throw in this tidbit - which I meant to post earlier: as far as I'm concerned, Russell T Davies' new official motto is:
"Twice the pathos!"
Love you RTD! You're brilliant!

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