Monday, August 04, 2003

Brainstorm to Breakthrough

There's a wonderful story in today's New York Times - Brainstorm to Breakthrough: A Surgical Procedure Is Born - that shows that exciting innovations in medicine are still possible. Yet, I wonder, given medicine's current slide toward fascism, how much longer this will be true in this country? A few days ago, I posted the following to some email groups I belong to:

"Doctor group after doctor group is caving before the onslaught of antitrust suits against them. Drug companies, under attack for their profits, won't be able to fund research without those profits. Will medicine be the industry where de facto fascism is established in this country? And it's happening in the name of establishing implicit socialism in the health care industry (though many socialists are only too happy to make it explicit). How's that for a convergence between fascism and socialism? All of which is made possible only by the sacrificial victims' - the doctors' - acceptance of altruism."

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