Thursday, March 03, 2005

Scalia must go!

Antonin Scalia's cheerleading for the tyranny of the majority was on full display Wednesday during oral arguments in two cases regarding displays of the Ten Commandments on government property:

When Chemerinsky objected that "it is a profoundly religious message," Scalia responded: "It is a profoundly religious message, but it's shared by the vast majority of the people. . . . It seems to me the minority has to be tolerant of the majority's view." Washington Post, "Division of Church, State At High Court"

What if the majority's view is that the minority should have their rights denied, or taken away from them? This certainly seems to be the goal of supporters of constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage regarding homosexuals.

Or even exterminated outright? This, of course, was the Nazi Party's view of the Jews in Germany.

To me, Scalia's response clearly shows not only his contempt for individual rights, but a desire to openly establish a state religion. As far as I'm concerned, when Scalia condemns those he accuses of "interpreting" the Constitution, he is committing a fraud, for that is exactly what he is doing here.

Antonin Scalia has no place on the Supreme Court, or anywhere else in American jurisprudence.